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Psalm 25: Hope In Amidst Adversity Now

Psalm 25: Hope In Amidst Adversity Now. Psalm 25 is both beautiful and valuable, because the psalm consists of a number of prayers and reflections. In many ways, the psalm is like a chapter out of the Proverbs. The whole contains separate portions of spiritual, and practical wisdom.

The first three verses deal with the theme of trust. “To you, O Lord. I lift up my soul; in you I trust. O my God“. Many people lift up hands, eyes, and words to God, but the key is that the SOUL is to
be lifted up to God. One of the great tragedies of life is that too many people never open up their
hearts and souls to God. A commitment is made, a person accepts Jesus Christ as his, or her, Lord and savior; but then, that person never truly lets God in to direct that life. “Lord, I trust you as long as I can be in the driver’s seat!” Jesus is knocking, the person wants what the Lord has but the door of the soul is never opened. Yes, for a person to come to maturity as a Child of God, that person must lift up his soul to the Lord.

Psalm 25: Hope In Amidst Adversity Now

Being a Christian involves trust In God and His Son. A Christian trusts God’s promises of eternal
life and he trusts his promises of help with the struggles of dally life. Apparently, David’s enemies were trying to put him to shame before the people. However, David knew that he would never be shamed because of the trust he had in the Lord. That same thought needs to be the core of each Christian’s faith. Every relationship – be it husband and wife, or Christian and God – must grow around trust.

Verses 4 through 7 could be repeated everyday of a person’s life. “Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Remember, O LORD, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old. Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O LORD.”

The Bible clearly teaches that mankind cannot find its way alone. All people need a guide a teacher to show them the way of truth. Unfortunately, too many people refuse to follow that guide. Guidance and instruction has been given to mankind through the written Word of God. Through the principles and truths of the Old and New Testament scriptures, men and women can be brought to a realization of their sin and their need for Jesus Christ.

The Word of God also provides teaching on how to live a Christian life. It is a source of hope, faith, and love. When a person becomes a Christian and begins to grow spiritually, God will help that person to mature. God will begin to change that person spiritually. As the Lord works within His Children, Christians become stronger, happier, and more effective in carrying out the Lord’s work.


Psalm 25: Hope In Amidst Adversity Now

David wrote in verse 8, “Good and upright is the Lord”. Out of that goodness, He will discipline and show sinners the direction they must go to be saved. For the humble, who keep His commandments and instructions, God will provide assistance and instruction on how to live. The person who holds a reverent respect and fear of the power and glory of God will prosper.

Now this does not necessarily mean that a person will become financially rich; but it does mean that a person will find personal, spiritual wealth. Wealth or poverty does not dictate happiness or unhappiness. A person’s life and relationship with God will determine that.


Psalm 25: Hope In Amidst Adversity Now

In spite of the hope and joy that should be a major part of a Christians’ life, there are also those times of anguish, pain, loneliness, and hurt. When that happens, turn to the words of David in verses 16-18. Too often, Christians believe that they are not spiritual enough if they experience problems and “down” times in their lives. Yet, David certainly experienced these things.

Our Lord Jesus Christ experienced sadness, rejection, and pain. The inspired record clearly states that Jesus wept, yet the ultimate victory was achieved through Him. Out of a trust In the Lord, Christians can grow stronger and more Christ-like as they face the problems and trials of life. The Father will use such times to discipline and instruct His children. James said, “Count it all joy when you encounter various trials. Why should Christians be optimistic in the face of trails? Why is it counted all joy? Because trials will lead a person to maturity and a closer relationship with the Lord.What Is Psalms 25 Talking About Now?

The key for Christians can be found in verse 14, “The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him; and He will show them His covenant.” The promise is there. How blessed are those who love the Lord, fear, and are obedient to His will.


Psalm 25: Hope In Amidst Adversity Now

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One Comment

  1. […] made many mistakes. Some of those mistakes were very severe. Yet, in verse one David wrote, “Vindicate me, O Lord, for I have led a blameless life; I have trusted in the Lord without wavering.” In light of his writings and life, how could David write that his life was blameless?From […]

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