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Psalms 27: Courage Amidst Adversity Explained Now

Psalms 27: Courage Amidst Adversity Explained Now. Psalm 27 is so full of treasures that one is hard-pressed to decide where to start, or once started, where to stop! The first two verses describe a man of great faith; “The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear?

The Lord is the stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid?” This first verse gives us a key into how David was able to withstand the great trials that he faced. For David, if a person was in the hands of the Lord, then why should he fear anything?


Is Psalm 27 a poem?

Our Lord Jesus Christ stressed the same principle in many of his teachings. Jesus said in Matthew 10:28, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in hell”. He also said in Matthew 6:34, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”


Paul wrote to the church in Philippi and said, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Psalms 27: Courage Amidst Adversity Explained Now

From these and many more passages, the truth is stated that God’s people can find peace in God. The world will search in vain for real peace. But that peace is available now to Christians, and the means by which it is gained is trust and prayer. David, and all of the other great men and women of faith in the Old Testament scriptures, prayed constantly to God. Prayer was, and is, the primary means by which God’s people communicate with their Father and gain access to the Divine Power that is made available through Jesus Christ.

Oh, if all people would follow the words of David! If that would happen, a much larger percentage of the world’s population would find the peace that comes from God, and they would face the world unafraid. If all Christians would allow their faith to grow, this world would be changed! As a Christian finds peace in Christ, that Christian will become increasingly effective in sharing the Gospel with others, because other people will see the love and peace of God in that person.


Psalms 27: Courage Amidst Adversity Explained Now

Another “treasure” that must be mentioned in Psalm 27 is found in verse 4. David wrote, “One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all of the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple”. One of the greatest problems that individual Christians and local churches face today is keeping the proper perspective in life. It is hard to keep ones’ life directed toward the Lord and His Will. Daily problems, frequent crises, the hundreds of decisions made weekly, the daily toil of life – all of these clamor for immediate attention. “I want to do the Lord’s will, but I’ve got to do this first!”

How does a person experience peace in this life? How can a person draw closer to God? Why do some people seem to be better and happier than others? The answer to questions like this can be found in verse 11. David write, “Teach me your way, O Lord; lead me in a straight path because of my oppressors.” Wishful thinking, a vague desire for something better will never bring peace into a person’s life. The only answer is to learn from God and allow Him to lead. Well, how does that happen? The answer is through careful study and application of God’s inspired word.

The Bible is not just a good book to read. The Bible is God’s instructions for all people. If men and women, families, employers, employees, and countries would apply God’s word to their actions, the world would be transformed. Unfortunately, sin and evil fights against that, but salvation can only come through an understanding of what God has do to provide the opportunity for eternal life, and what He expects people to do to be joined to Him.

A final thought is found in verse 14, “Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.” David could not see the future of his life. He had to deal with many terrible tragedies. Yes, some resulted from his own actions, but David learned to not only trust but wait for the Lord.

Psalms 27: Courage Amidst Adversity Explained Now

One secret to peace is patience! God is not a servant who is expected to answer prayers just because someone prayed for something. Too often, people, Christians, will pray and nothing seems to happen. Then the questions begin. “Is prayer ineffective?” “Is there something wrong with me because God didn’t answer it on my schedule?”

The answer is that Christians trust and wait on the Lord. Christians TRUST Him, because He is the Father. He loves His children, and He will do what is best for His children. Christians WAIT on the Lord, because He is God, and His will is first.

Certainly, as king of Israel, David was besieged by problems that had to be dealt with right away. But, David saw, and the New Testament scriptures teach, that the beauty and reality of God and His promise rise above the daily problems and pressures of life. “Eternal Life” – that must always be before the Child of God.


Psalms 27: Courage Amidst Adversity Explained Now

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  1. […] The child cries out KNOWING that the parent will be there to rescue and protect that little one. Psalm 28 echoes that cry. Faith and trust in God are easy when a Christian is filled with the sunlight and joys of life and […]

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