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What defines a good man or a good woman? What are the qualities that make people like this special? What makes a good friend? The list of qualities may vary from person to person.


But certainly honest, loyal, and trustworthy would be on that list. Integrity, industrious, caring, humble, and thoughtful could all be added to that list as well.

Conversely, people that do NOT possess these qualities are often avoided. A person may declare that he is an honest, hard-working individual, but day to day living will show the true quality of an individual.


Proverbs 10 begins a comparison of day to day actions that would be considered good and pleasing to God against those that are more in line with worldly, sinful living. The actions and principles can be easily recognized in any age, or any society; and they certainly point to qualities that the Lord wants reflected in Christian lives. Not every verse will be addressed in these articles, but a sampling from each chapter.

Proverbs 10: The memory of the righteous is blessed Now

Proverbs 10:1 states, A wise son makes a father glad, but a foolish son is a grief to his mother. Parents want the best for their children with the goal that their child will grow into a good person and a person who can make his/her own way in life and contribute in a positive way.


In this case, when a son shows maturity and wisdom, the father feels pride, because he knows that his son will do well. Of course, that young man’s mother is also glad. Verse 5 continues the thought, “He who gathers in summer is a son who acts wisely, but he who sleeps in harvest is a son who acts shamefully.”

But when a son is foolish and lazy, the mother is grieved. Why? Because, she carried that small child to birth. She loved and nurtured him. He was part of her. And when that young man turns away from a good path, a righteous path, there is grief.


In her mind, he will always be that child, and possibly there is a sense of failure, because his future will not be a happy one. There will always be the prayer and the hope that he will repent and change. This can certainly happen with genuine repentance, but until then, the path chosen will be dark.


Verse 7 states, “The memory of the righteous is blessed, but the name of the wicked will rot.” This passage is not referring to famous figures that will have footnote in a future history book. Instead, this is referring everyday people. Every place and every generation has people that are seen as righteous or people that are known as wicked.


The bully, the gang leader, the murderer, the robber, the drug dealer is quickly forgotten. But people of righteousness are remembered. Strangers may meet and find out that they both knew the same individual that had passed away many years before.

Yet, the shared memory of that good person creates an immediate bond between the two. People of righteousness sow seeds of goodness and love that point to the source of their lives – Jesus Christ.


 Two people are called in and are questioned individually concerning an incident that they both witnessed. Each one is questioned separately. If they both answer truthfully, then there should be no big differences between their answers.

But if both have a reputation for twisting the truth or telling half-truths, there is probably real worry their stories will match. That is what is being described in verse 9 “He who walks in integrity walks securely, but he who perverts his ways will be found out.”


Proverbs 10: The memory of the righteous is blessed Now

A person that lives a Godly life can go through life with confidence. Trials and problems will always come up in life, but that individual does not have to worry about something scandalous coming to light. However, the person that perverts his ways will always worry that his “secrets” will come out.

How many prominent men and women who have good reputations with others are brought down to destruction because of actions that are illegal, immoral, or shameful?


Why does it seem like some people go out of their way to be rude, mean, violent and just wicked? Often, doing the right thing would be easier and better for that individual, but the decisions are almost always dark and wicked. Verse 23 gives the answer, “Doing wickedness is like sport to a fool, and so is wisdom to a man of understanding.” Wickedness is like a sport.

Such a person does not mind doing wicked things. In fact, that individual is motivated to commit such acts. Robbing a old widow, destroying something beautiful, vandalizing a pretty area are all committed with a sense of enjoyment.


But the last half of verse 16 and 27 describe what happens to such people, “The income of the wicked, punishment” and “But the years of the wicked will be shortened.” Not just the scriptures, but daily life point to the truth of these statements.

Proverbs 10: The memory of the righteous is blessed Now

An evil, wicked life rots a person from the inside. There is no real sense of joy. There is no trust and no loyalty. Real friendship does not exist. Life is guarding against betrayal by others and no real hope for the future. And too soon, that pitiful life withers away and dies with few, if any, grieving.  


But for a person who strives to live a good godly life, the result is far different. For a man of understanding, the search for Godly wisdom is like a sport. The person is motivated to search out the wisdom of God and he/she feels satisfaction and fulfillment. The first half of verses 16 and 27 add to the promise, The wages of the righteous is life…” and “The fear of the Lord prolongs life…”  

One might ask, “What is the value in living a good, righteous life?” The answer is that in this life, the spiritual and emotional rewards for living a good living cannot be measured. That person experiences love, respect, friendship, and hope for the future. Baring an accident or severe illness, that individual will probably live a long and full life. In fact, long after that person is gone, the contributions he/she made in other lives will be remembered.


Proverbs 10 gives a striking comparison between a wicked, foolish life and a righteous life. Added to this is the “Good News” in Jesus Christ. Through Him, and His sacrifice, a righteous, Christian life leads to the ultimate goal…. Eternal Life with the Living God and Father! [Proverbs 9]


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