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Proverbs 6: Life Can Be Difficult, Confusing, And Dark

Proverbs 6: Life can be difficult, confusing, and dark.

An individual has worked hard, has a steady job, and is financially responsible. Then a good friend, a neighbor, or a family member comes up and says, “I am in a financial situation right now, and I am asking you to help me by cosigning with me on a loan.


We have been close for a long time, and you know I’m good for!” The person has a few concerns, but against his/her own better judgment, the person cosigns with that other person on the loan.

But then that trusted friend, neighbor, or family member defaults on the loan. The lending institution then turns to the person because, as a cosigner, that person had to pay back the money! Suddenly, finances become much tighter, and the person’s life becomes harder.


Young men and women who have just entered adulthood and are working hard to make a life for themselves are especially vulnerable to this plea. A childhood friend, a classmate, someone at work, will say, “Please help me!”

Proverbs 6: Life can be difficult, confusing, and dark

This is what verses 1-5 of Proverbs 6 describe. “My son, if you have become surety for your neighbor, have given a pledge for a stranger, if you have been snared with the words of your mouth, have been caught with the words of your mouth, do this then, my son, and deliver yourself; since you have come into the hand of your neighbor, go, humble yourself, and importune your neighbor. Give no sleep to your eyes, nor slumber to your eyelids; deliver yourself like a gazelle from the hunter’s hand and like a bird from the hand of the fowler.”


Solomon was saying, “If you find yourself caught up in this situation, then get free of it as quickly as possible! Saying “No” may be difficult, but lives, friendships and family relationships have been torn apart by such situations.

Sometimes, unexpected medical emergencies or disasters do occur, and family and friends will help. But the situation described by Solomon is different, and before an answer is given, a person must consider carefully what his/her answer will be.


Proverbs 6: Life can be difficult, confusing, and dark

Verses 16-19 carry a very grim warning: There are six things which the Lord hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil, a false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers.”

Haughty eyes would describe a person that feels superior to others. Which is more important? A medical surgeon? a wealthy industrialist? a national leader? a teacher? a mother? a janitor? a gardener? All are important in God’s eyes because He looks to the heart and not the outward image.


Unless an activity is illegal, immoral, or violent, any job is honorable and that person performing that task is to be respected. God hates sinful pride, and that person will be brought down.

The father of lies is the Devil. It is no wonder that God hates liars. So much discord and hurt is spread from lies. The Book of Proverbs says a great deal about lying.


The habit of lying will turn against the person, because sooner or later people will see what that person for what he/she is like. And friends and acquaintances will reject that person.

God hates the shedding of innocent blood. Of course, that would include murder. But what about a person who drives drunk and kills a person or a family in an accident?


Not only that, but it comes to light that the person had a history of driving drunk. Irresponsible, hurtful actions that lead to the death of an innocent person would fall in that category.

Proverbs 6: Life can be difficult, confusing, and dark

There are some professions where a person is trained in how to fight. Police officers, security guards, military personnel are trained to fight. But there are limits that are placed on what they can do. In war, soldiers do not randomly kill people.


There are “rules of engagement” that are followed. The military is trained to protect innocent people. Likewise, law enforcement officers must follow strict guidelines as to when they use force – especially lethal force. Their job is to protect and serve their community. It is wrong to deliberately shed innocent blood.

God hates a heart that devises wicked plans. Some people will spend twice as much time planning how NOT to do something than it would take to just get the job done. Still others spend most of their time on how to get something for nothing.


Every person is viewed as a potential “mark” or victim. Sometimes, a death will occur, and the family will go to the funeral for the loved one. While they are gone, thieves break into the house and steal their valuables, because they know everyone will be gone. God hates a heart that devises wicked plans.

Proverbs 6: Life can be difficult, confusing, and dark

God hates feet that run rapidly to evil. For such a person, doing the right thing, or trying to be a good person means nothing. A person may stand before a judge, and the judge will say, “I’m giving you a second chance! Don’t waste it!” But as soon as that person leaves the courthouse, he/she willingly goes right back into that evil lifestyle.


God hates a false witness who utters lies. This is one step worse than simply lying. In this case, a person is called upon to confirm or reject a statement, give an account under oath, or accuse a person of wrong doing when that person is innocent.

The reason for the lie may be a desire for revenge, envy, a malicious attitude, or just a petty person. Regardless, God hates a false witness who utters lies.


God hates one who spreads strife among brothers. It takes very little to create discord within a group. A whispered word here, a nod there, a little juicy gossip can undermine and do terrible damage. It was certainly true in the courts of David and Solomon.

Even in the early church, people are mentioned simply because of the damage they did to different congregations. What an indictment! The only mention of a name is of one who spread strife among brothers!


Proverbs 6: Life can be difficult, confusing, and dark

In verse 20, Solomon wrote, “My son, observe the commandment of your father and do not forsake the teaching of your mother…”. Then, in verse 23, he wrote, “For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching is light; and reproofs for discipline are the way of life…”.

A person walking down an uneven path in the dark has a strong probability of falling unless that person has a light to show the way. Life can be difficult, confusing, and dark.


But the inspired Word of God is the Lamp to light the way for every person. A person does not take a flashlight and shine it a long way down the road. It does no good. No, a person will take that light and shine it in the path just before his/her feet.

Following Jesus Christ, the Light that the Father has given all people, will give security, warning, and direction. And then, one day, that Light will lead that person to an eternal home in Heaven.

Proverbs 6: Life can be difficult, confusing, and dark
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